I've been a shaper for over 40 years, working with some of Australia's & the world's greatest modern day shapers. After doing countless boards basically all much the same shape I'd come home and try something a bit different than the norm. Most of my creations are kept in the normal dimensions of of today's shapes but with a twist (bottom shape, fins, outline, profile etc.) Most of these creations, (as I like to call them) have not been finished (glassed) so they have not been surfed and tested to get any feed back, lack of finances being the main reason, although I did make and test a fantastic board with a very deep double concave way back in the early 70's
So here I am using the internet to see what sort of interest there would be world wide on different looking surfboards. Some of the shapes I have done over the years have been influenced by other designs I've liked and then put my own spin on it. Here are some pix of a few of my creations going back to the early 90's to the present. Nick Masarin